Logging in

Now that we have signed up to the application, we want to be able to actually log in.

The log in process is about:

  1. Accessing an interface that allows the user to provide his credentials (the log in page)

  2. Checking and validating the credentials (in our case querying the database and comparing the provided email and password to whatever we have stored)

  3. If successful, telling the application that a user is logged in

  4. Making the user data available to the application (in our case storing the user id in the session and/or in a global variable)

We start with high level acceptance tests simulating the actions of a user that wants to log in. Add the following scenario to the user_maintenance.feature:

# features/user_maintenance.feature

Scenario: Log in to the application
  Given I am a registered user
  Given I am on the home page
  And I click "Log in" link
  Then I should be on Log in page
  And I fill in "Email" with "thomas@random.com"
  And I fill in "Password" with "my_password"
  And I click "Submit" link
  Then I should be on the home page
  And I should see "Successfully logged in Thomas"
  And I should not see "Register"

Add the following step definition, reusing some previous steps:

# features/step_definitions/application_steps.rb

Given(/^I am a registered user$/) do
  steps %(
    Given I am on the home page
    And I click "Register" link
    Then I should be on Registration page
    And I fill in "Name" with "Thomas"
    And I fill in "Email" with "thomas@random.com"
    And I fill in "Password" with "my_password"
    And I fill in "Password confirmation" with "my_password"
    And I click "Create" link

Run cucumber (cucumber features/user_maintenance.feature)

Update your application.erb by adding the Log in link:

# lib/views/layouts/application.erb`

<%= link_to 'Log in', '/users/login' %>

And add that path to paths.rb so Cucumber knows where to go:

# features/support/paths.rb

when /Log in page/

Add the following routes to application.rb

# lib/application.rb

get '/users/login' do
  erb :'users/login'

post '/users/session' do
  session[:flash] = "Successfully logged in ..."
  redirect '/'

Create a login.erb file in the views/users folder:

# lib/views/users/login.erb

<% form_tag('/users/session', method: 'post') do %>
  <%= label_tag :email, caption: 'Email' %>
  <%= text_field_tag :email, id: 'email' %>

  <%= label_tag :password, caption: 'Password' %>
  <%= password_field_tag :password, id: 'password' %>

  <%= submit_tag 'Submit' %>
<% end %>

Shifting our attention to the User model. We need to add a authenticate method to User.

Let's start by writing some specs.

# spec/user_spec.rb

  describe 'user authentication' do
    before { @user = User.create(name: 'Thomas', email: 'thomas@makersacademy.se', password: 'password', password_confirmation: 'password') }

    it 'succeeds with valid credentials' do
      expect(User.authenticate('thomas@makersacademy.se', 'password')).to eq @user

    it 'fails with invalid credentials' do
      expect(User.authenticate('thomas@makersacademy.se', 'wrong-password')).to eq nil

Again, run rspec and see the tests fail.

Add the authenticate method to the User class:

# lib/user.rb

def self.authenticate(email, password)
    user = first(email: email)
    if user && BCrypt::Password.new(user.password_digest) == password

These test will still fail...

We need to add DatabaseCleaner to the spec_helper.rb

# spec/spec_helper.rb

require 'database_cleaner'
RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.before(:suite) do
      DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction

  config.before(:each) do

  config.after(:each) do

And now all the tests go green.

Back to the main controller. Change the post route to:

# lib/application.rb

  post '/users/session' do
    @user = User.authenticate(params[:email], params[:password])
    session[:user_id] = @user.id
    session[:flash] = "Successfully logged in  #{@user.name}"
    redirect '/'

Also, in the same file, we need to add some methods to be able to access the currently logged in user:

# lib/application.rb

  before do
    @user = User.get(session[:user_id]) unless is_user?

  register do
    def auth (type)
      condition do
        redirect '/login' unless send("is_#{type}?")

  helpers do
    def is_user?
      @user != nil

    def current_user

We only want to show the Log in link if there is no user logged in, right? Update your application.erb by adding a condition for the display of the Log in link:

# lib/views/layouts/application.erb`

<% if current_user %>
  <%= current_user.email %>
<% else %>
  <%= link_to 'Register', '/users/register' %>
  <%= link_to 'Log in', '/users/login' %>
<% end %>

If you run cucumber now, all your steps should go green. Time to set up the log out feature.

Last updated