Adding views

The next thing we need to do is to make the And I click "All courses" link step pass. For now, that step is undefined. Let's define it first.

In our application_steps.rb let's add:

# features/step_definitions/application_steps.rb

And(/^I click "([^"]*)" link$/) do |element|
  click_link_or_button element

click_link_or_button is a Capybara command that looks for either a HTML link or a button tag and clicks it. Pretty handy, right?

If you run cucumber again you'll get an error message that Capybara simply can't find that element. That is perfectly normal, we haven't created that yet.

Unable to find link or button "All courses" (Capybara::ElementNotFound)

Views are the actual web pages that will be rendered in your browser. This is what the user will see. In order to get some views rendered by the application we, of course:

  1. Need to create them and;

  2. Tell the application to show them to us depending on what is going on.

Right now, the app is not showing any views. If you have a look in your application.rb you can see the following block of code:

get '/' do
  'Hello WorkshopApp!'

This means that the only thing that will be shown when we open the application in the browser is the text "Hello WorkshopApp!" and nothing else.

We want to change that of course.

In our lib folder, we need to create a views folder. In that folder, we want to create a subfolder called layouts and then inside of that folder a application.erb file.

To do all that head over to your terminal, navigate to your project folder and execute the following shell commands:

$ cd lib
$ mkdir -p views/layouts
$ touch views/layouts/application.erb

For now, the only code we want to place in that file is:

# lib/views/layouts/application.erb

<%= yield %>

We will cover the application.erb in more detail further down the road.

Another file we need to create a index.erb in the views folder.

$ touch views/index.erb

Add the following code to that file:

<h1>Workshop App</h1>
<a href="/courses">All courses</a>

Now we have a template for the index view. We also need to tell the application to use that template when that page is requested by the browser. In order to do that we need to modify our application.rb once again:

# lib/application.rb

get '/' do
  erb :index

What we did now was to remove the static text that was being showed on the web page and replace that with the template we just created. That template actually contain a link to list "All Courses".

What happens if we run cucumber again?

Last updated