Complex views

We are going to make use of another open source library that has been developed to add some functionality to the Sinatra framework and make programming easier. It is called Padrino and you can find more information about it on Together with Padrino, we need to install a gem called Tilt. We point to specific gem versions in order to avoid conflicts.

Add Padrino and tilt to your Gemfile:

gem 'tilt', '~> 1.4', '>= 1.4.1'
gem 'padrino', '~> 0.13.0'

And don't forget to bundle.

Next step, as usually when we add a library, is to both require and register the modules we want to use. Padrino comes bundled with a lot of modules but for now, we only want to make use of so called Helper methods.

Add padrino/helpers to your application.rb

# lib/application.rb

require 'sinatra/base'
require 'padrino-helpers'

class WorkshopApp < Sinatra::Base
  register Padrino::Helpers
  set :protect_from_csrf, true

  ... # rest of your code

(The :protect_from_csrf method is a security measure to avoid hacking attacks, more on that later. For now, let's just enable that.)

You also need to create additional routes in your application.rb in order to show the index and create interface and also to actually create a course. That will be a post route.

# lib/application.rb

class WorkshopApp < Sinatra::Base

  get '/courses/index' do
    erb :'courses/index'

  get '/courses/create' do
    erb :'courses/create'

  post '/courses/create' do
    # TODO: place Course creation code here:
    erb :'courses/index'

Modify your views/index.erb to look like this:

# lib/views/index.erb

<h1>Workshop App</h1>
<%= link_to 'All courses', '/courses/index' %>

Create a new folder in views named courses and add two files in that folder: index.erb and create.erb

$ cd lib
$ mkdir -p views/courses
$ touch views/courses/index.erb
$ touch views/courses/create.erb

In the index.erb let's add a link to create a new course:

# lib/views/courses/index.erb

<h1>You have not created any courses</h1>

<%= link_to 'Create course', '/courses/create' %>

And in the create.erb let's add a form to create a course:

# lib/views/courses/create.erb

<% form_for :course, '/courses/create', id: 'create' do |f|  %>
  <%= f.text_field_block :title, caption: 'Course Title' %>
  <%= f.text_field_block :description, caption: 'Course description' %>
  <%= f.submit 'Create' %>
<% end %>

Now when we run cucumber again we will get a new error:

uninitialized constant Course (NameError)

That is a kind of a blocker for us. We need to create a Course class. So lets do that really quick - we will add more functionality to that class later. In the lib folder, create a course.rb file and add the following code:

 # lib/course.rb

 class Course


And require that class in your application.rb:

 # lib/application.rb

 require './lib/course'

Now, try to run your tests again. What does it looks like?

Then(/^a new "([^"]*)" should be created$/) do |model|
  expect(Object.const_get(model).count).to eq 1

As a last step this part I would like you to add two step definitions {really??? what defs is that???}

Last updated